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Controversies around the Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Endocrine Society

Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines in 2017 ‘based on low or very low quality of evidence.’

The ECRI Guidelines Trust® an organisation that advances safe and effective patient care provide a “Trust Scorecard” that rates the quality of the guidelines, based on evidence strength and the measures taken to reduce bias in the recommendations.

In 2019 a curious journalist searched the ECRI database for transgender care guidelines, the only guideline posted was the “Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons, 2017”. It was not given a Trust Scorecard rating. When ECRI was contacted by the journalist and asked why the Endocrine Society guidelines did not have a scorecard rating, they responded in an email, saying that the reason the Endocrine Society guidelines did not meet inclusion criteria to be rated was because “Only a few of their recommendations were supported by the systematic review; the majority were not.”

Note, nine out of 10 of the people who created the Clinical Practice Guidelines of 2017 belong to WPATH they have in their document a disclaimer that very clearly states at p. 3895 that this does not establish a standard of care.

“If you hear it's a Standard of care the Endocrine Society said it isn't the standard of care. If you look at the grading for of evidence, it's either low very low quality or there's no evidence for what they're doing” Dr Michael Laidlaw
is a board certified Endocrinologist with an MD in Endocrinology from USC, on February 21, 2023 he gave evidence to the Health and Human Services committee on the "Medical Dangers of Gender Affirmative Therapy”

At that session Dr Michael Laidlaw discussed some of the medical consequences of gender affirmative therapy, some of his points were:

  • Left alone the majority of children with gender dysphoria grow out of it by adulthood.

  • Even though there is no definitive physical evidence of gender identity, yet these youth with gender affirmative therapy are subject to the negative consequences of puberty blockers and high hormone levels that can cause potential risks, including infertility, cardiovascular disease, liver dysfunction, high blood pressure, manic mood swings, depression and high probabilities of cancer risks. Surgeries, that can produce loss of sexual function, high probability of urethra infections with phalloplasty, massive scaring, damage to nerves and loss of erotic feeling.

  • A long-term study from Sweden showed that individuals who underwent hormone therapy and surgery for transition had higher rates of mortality, inpatient psychiatric care, and completed suicide 19 times higher than the general population.

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