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Medical Damages of Gender Affirming Care:

Along with the testimonies at legal hearings of communities, expert witnesses and Coalitions of Detransitioners, Trans, ROGD parents, teachers and LGB report medical damages:

a) Communities:
A number of organisations such as LGB Defence, LGB Alliance Australia, LGB Tasmania, Coalition of Activist Lesbians and Active Watchful Waiting ( consider the gender affirmative model to be the new conversion therapy for gays. They are demanding a parliamentary enquiry into medical harms of gender affirming care, the gender industry and what they believe is the pipelining of vulnerable youth; LGB, Autistic and those with a history of health issues into gender clinics.

For example, on AWW’s front page they list the physical harms and state:

[quote] “ Gender identity affirmation is marketed as ‘being your authentic self’ it’s based on the idea that 'you were born in the wrong body' and requires therefore 'gender affirming care;' pharmaceutical products; puberty blockers, hormones and extreme body modifying surgery to achieve an appearance matching one’s “gender identity”: a subjectively experienced inner sense of self as the gender opposite to one’s actual sex of male or female. 

There is a new industry around gender affirming care, and when made mandatory in law via conversion therapy bans by gender it ensures the purchase of hormones and drugs throughout a youth's lifetime. This is highly profitable for the pharmaceutical industry, doctors, and LGBT+ organisations that are funded to market this branding promote transgenderism and prioritise the ‘T’ over the LGB.

​ But the surge in young Australian & New Zealanders particularly young girls identifying as transgender means that the number of people harmed by automatic gender-affirmation will increase. 

Politicians, health professionals and journalists take note the consequences of ‘gender-affirming care’ are serious: 

  • Sterilisation of LGB, Autistic and troubled young people with issues of abuse, self-hate, trauma, internalised misogyny, victims of trans-indoctrination or internalised homophobia.

  • Surgical removal of breasts; denying women full sexual pleasure in adulthood, as well as the ability to breastfeed should they become mothers.

  • Impaired sexual function from surgeries, puberty blockers and hormones 

  • Surgical removal of reproductive and sexual organs, and erogenous zones initiated for children as young as 9 to 13 years old not mature enough to give meaningful informed consent.

  • Irreversible body modification such as facial hair, male-pattern baldness, permanently deepened voice and enlarged clitorises in women.

  • Negative health effects from chest binding that may not show for years

  • Years spent suffering depression, and mental health problems because comorbidities were not accurately assessed or responded to with appropriate therapies

  • Female-to-male genital reconstruction surgery that has a high negative outcome rate, including urethral compromise and worsened mental health.

  • A range of negative health outcomes from transition surgeries is outlined here and here.” [/unquote]

Excellent Resources:

Lesbians United produced Puberty Suppression – Medicine or Malpractice


The Gay Network produced a Fact Sheet – Puberty Blockers


b) Testimony of Expert witnesses

Dr Michael Laidlaw - January 21, 2023, presented to the Florida House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee in Florida, USA. "Medical Dangers of Gender Affirmative Therapy” Click on the relevant chapter of interest:

0:00 Introduction
1:17  "Medical Dangers of Gender Affirmative Therapy" Start of talk.

 2:42 'Where do I find Gender Identity.”

 3:14 'There are only two human sexes.’

3:47 Gender affirmative Therapy.

4:07 Long term Mortality - Cross Sex hormones and Surgery.

4:52 Tanner Stages of puberty - Importance of blocking puberty at tanner stage 2.

5:27 Cross sex hormones - effect of high testosterone in females.

6:17 Side effects of Cross Sex Hormones.

7:20 Side effects of high dose testosterone /anabolic steroid abuse comparison.

7:51 Surgical Conversion Therapy - Mastectomy & Genital surgery.

10:02 Endocrine Society High level of Conflict of Interest – WPATH.

11:06 WPATH Soc 8

11:55 Gender Dysphoria - How can these kids be helped?

12:27 Child/Adolescent Affirmative Therapy

Testimony of Expert witness, Dr Michael Biggs - January 21, 2023, presented to the Florida House of Representatives Health and Human Services Committee in Florida, USA. "Medical Dangers of Gender Affirmative Therapy”
Dr Michael Biggs spoke on Puberty Blockers and changes in the use of puberty blockers in Europe.

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