Q: What are the Gender Identity Ideology Laws? A: They are:
Birth Certificate Admendments
Anti-Discrimination Lwas that has 'Gender / Gender Identity" replace 'sex' as a protected attribute.
Mislabled 'Anti-Conversion Therapy Laws' that bring in conversion therapy by gender for gender non-conforming children primarily Homosexual, Autistic
Anti-vilification / Anti-Hate speech law
Q: What is the status of these laws in Australia 2023? A:
What is the impact of the Gender Identity Laws on the rights of women, families, homosexuals and children? A:
Q: How do we take back our rights from the pharmaceutical lobbies, big tech and the Trans queer lobbies that put these laws into place under the radar? A:
Want more detail, go here: Halting the State Sanction Ideology of Australia Https://lostwomensrights.com