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Key points from Bernard Lane’s article on the status of parliament inquiry on kids in the gender clinic:

1. Claire Chandler, a member of Australia’s centre-right Liberal Party, has requested an independent inquiry into the medicalised gender transition for minors. The proposed inquiry would look at treatment evidence for patients diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

2. There has been a substantial increase in children accessing gender clinics in Australia, rising from fewer than 500 in 2016 to over 2,000 in 2021. The highest numbers of patients are in Victoria and Queensland.

3. Chandler highlights concerns about the lack of transparency on the nature of the treatments provided, their efficacy, and the overall clinical outcomes.

4. Chandler references the recent changes in Finland, Sweden, and England, where hormonal treatments for minors have been restricted due to weak evidence and potential risks. England's National Health Service, for example, has limited the use of puberty blockers to clinical trials.

5. Dr. Jillian Spencer, an Australian child and adolescent psychiatrist, has publicly criticised the gender-affirming treatment model, arguing that it lacks sufficient evidence to demonstrate that benefits outweigh potential risks and harms.

6. Spencer is advocating for an independent inquiry to guide Australian healthcare providers on safe treatments, their appropriate timing, and conditions for children.

7. The Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) has disaffiliated from the medical indemnity fund MDA National because the fund reduced coverage for private doctors involved in medicalised gender change for minors.

8. The National Association of Practising Psychiatrists (NAPP) in Australia supports a national inquiry into gender clinics. It stresses the need for the inquiry to be based on evidence, not opinion.

9. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists plans to publish an updated position statement on gender dysphoria later this year.

10. Litigation has started in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US, filed by individuals who regret their gender transition.

11. A motion has been proposed in the Australian Senate for a committee inquiry into youth gender medicine. Senator Chandler suggests this committee would be better than no inquiry, but she would prefer the inquiry to be separate from politics.


Australian State governments are pushing for a sexuality education that aims to fundamentally transform societal gender and sexual norms and establish sexual autonomy for children. Advocates argue that in order to fulfill these supposed sexual rights, children must have unrestricted access to "comprehensive" sexual information that covers all aspects of sexuality.

The core philosophies underlying these programs include:

  • Children are inherently sexual beings, and any limitations on their sexual expression or activity infringe upon their sexual rights.

  • Regular sexual experiences, including masturbation and sexual encounters with individuals of any gender, are essential for good health in both children and adults.

  • The right to sexual pleasure, even at a young age, takes precedence over other rights.

  • Children have privacy and confidentiality rights that supersede their parents' rights to guide their sexual education.

  • Children have the right to abortions and sexual relationships without their parents' knowledge or consent.

  • Many societal sexual and gender norms, particularly those rooted in religious beliefs, are oppressive and unhealthy and require transformation.

  • Children have the right to explore diverse sexual identities and orientations and associated behaviors to develop a healthy sexuality.

  • Young people should be enlisted to combat homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism and advocate for their sexual rights.

  • Young people should be involved in designing and implementing comprehensive sexuality education programs.

  • The push for internationally recognized rights to health and education, that children have a right to all sexual information, free from censorship and without parental consent.

Who decided that the world’s children should have all of these sexual 'rights' and should be taught about and encouraged to experiment with high-risk sexual acts?

Dr. Alfred Kinsey conducted research on the sexuality of children that was based on data obtained from pedophiles who sexually abused infants, toddlers, and older children. In his book, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," Kinsey included Table 34 which documented cases of child sexual abuse that involved inducing orgasms timed with a stopwatch over a 24-hour period.

While Kinsey claimed that he did not instruct the abusers to commit these acts, he included the data they provided him in his "scientific research." Kinsey argued that his research showed that children derived sexual pleasure from their abuse, even when they displayed distressing symptoms like crying, convulsing, screaming, or bleeding.

Today, the Kinsey Institute continues its research on sexuality and has been granted consultative status at the United Nations, which they intend to use to promote their sexual agenda worldwide.


Q: What are the Gender Identity Ideology Laws? A: They are:

  • Birth Certificate Admendments

  • Anti-Discrimination Lwas that has 'Gender / Gender Identity" replace 'sex' as a protected attribute.

  • Mislabled 'Anti-Conversion Therapy Laws' that bring in conversion therapy by gender for gender non-conforming children primarily Homosexual, Autistic

  • Anti-vilification / Anti-Hate speech law

Q: What is the status of these laws in Australia 2023? A:

What is the impact of the Gender Identity Laws on the rights of women, families, homosexuals and children? A:

Q: How do we take back our rights from the pharmaceutical lobbies, big tech and the Trans queer lobbies that put these laws into place under the radar? A:

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