Resources - Parents & Teachers
For comprehensive school resources and guidance for teachers and parents, relevant to Australia go to:
https://www.indefenceofchildren.org/faq A FAQ on body modification and alteration of children to appear as the opposite sex.

Fast Facts on Gender Identity and children
One study showed that when a teen announces a transgender identity to their peer group, the number of friends who also became transgender-identified was 3.5 per group.
In just seven years, there has been a nearly 4,000% increase in children seeking treatment for sexual identity confusion in the United Kingdom.
Between 61-98% of children who struggle with their sex as a boy or a girl, come to accept their sex by adulthood.
Identifying as transgender or nonbinary may be linked to autism spectrum disorders. Children with autism spectrum disorders are 7 times more likely to want to be the opposite sex than the general population.
After sex reassignment surgery, adult transgender- identified people are nearly 20 times more likely to die from suicide than the general population matched for age and sex.
Studies show that 100% of children who use puberty blockers will go on to use cross-sex hormones, leaving them permanently sterile.
The long-term effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on children and adolescents have not been studied.
Girls as young as 13 are undergoing double mastectomies and boys as young as 17 are undergoing full genital sex reassignment surgeries. The long-term effects of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have not been studied.
Science demonstrates that there are two sex chromosomes—two X chromosomes in females and an X and a Y in males—in nearly every single cell in our bodies.
Some transgender-identified patients are being prescribed cross-sex hormones on their very first visit to a clinic.