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No. Many parents have been told if they do not comply with 'gender affirmation care' their child will commit suicide. This trans rights narrative causes much concern but is not supported by facts. Every suicide is a tragedy, and one suicide is a suicide too many. However, with such a serious issue, accuracy is critical.

Please refer to Suicide Facts and Myths and for succinct statistics on the following key facts on suicide for gender dysphoric youth:

  • One long-ranging study estimated a suicide rate for gender dysphoric people of 0.6%.

  • There is no high-quality evidence to suggest that the overall attempted suicide rate of transgender youth is 41%

  • People with psychiatric conditions – and sometimes neurodiverse conditions – are much more likely to die by suicide than gender dysphoric people.

  • Suicide rarely has one cause: it is difficult for statistical studies on suicide to extricate gender dysphoria from other factors.

  • There is little evidence that medical transition decreases suicidality.

This means a one-size fits all solution for gender dysphoria will be harmful to the majority of youth.

So, what we hear from Gender Clinics, the trans lobbies of ILGA and their affiliates and ardent gender identitarians to hijack our emotions and bypass our reason, to pressure parents and the general public into compliance with drugs, hormones or surgery for children has been;
“Better a live son rather than a dead daughter.”
But understand this, no parent will end up with a son from a daughter through body modification. Nor will they retain a fully functional daughter or son. What transition creates is a chemically altered child mimicking old-fashioned ideas of gender norms. No one wants a distressed daughter to kill herself. But there is no evidence that children will commit suicide if they do not transition. Even so, no ethical doctor would ever treat a suicidal girl by cutting her breasts off, an anorexic with gastric banding, or an autistic with chemical castration. No grown-up should accept emotional blackmail from children or fringe activists, to give children things that would harm them. The idea that any doctor would allow children to diagnose the cause of their own distress, and then prescribe their own treatment, is gross malpractice.

All of this is reckless. We need to be adults. Australian children deserve safety and ethical care.


What I’m here to talk about has utterly consumed the past seven years of my life, but I only have a few minutes to share it with you today.

When my daughter was 15, I was thrown quite suddenly into the world of the transgender movement after she had been raped by a schoolmate. I only found out by stumbling upon a school exercise book that she’d left on my desk, quite out in the open. The first line of the journal read, “it’s been 7 days since THEY raped me”. I was horrified, made worse by the thought that it had been more than one person. When I asked her about the awful incident, she explained that it was only one person whose preferred pronoun was ‘they’, my first encounter with “prefered pronouns”.

I contacted the police the next day but they were not interested in investigating.

We took our daughter to a psychologist and pulled her out of school to start her at TAFE to get her away from her rapist.

My daughter made a series of declarations over the following several weeks- first that she was confused because a boy she liked had adopted what I have come to know as an opposite-sex “gender identity”, then that she was a lesbian and finally that she believed herself to be a male trapped in a female body- which she vehemently defended as fact, despite all biological realities. I was shocked and confused.

I took her to our GP who referred her to the gender clinic at the children’s hospital. The waiting list was quite long so we were told not to expect an appointment until the following year.

During the wait, there was an incident in which I confiscated my daughter’s phone for inappropriate social media use at 3 am - I parented her. A few days later, a young man who seemed to know my daughter came into our home stating that he was there to take my son. He said he was from an organisation called Transfolk and in the confusion, it hit me that he had come to take my daughter. The young man pushed through our home, and me, to gather her things. He called 000 after I forced him out the front door, terrified by what was going on.

While the police were assessing the situation, my daughter told them that she was suicidal- using foreign and seemingly scripted words, phrases and dialect the entire time. Though the officers told me that they didn’t believe she was suicidal, they took her for a psychiatric evaluation anyway.

At the hospital, my daughter told the police about the rape. Thinking that someone was finally taking it seriously, I retrieved the notebook for their investigation.

My daughter spoke with a hospital psychiatrist who then told us to respect her wishes because “it’s better to have a live son than a dead daughter”- the first but not the last time I’ve heard this particular phrase.

When my daughter was sent home they gave us a list of rules to follow, not to do with suicidality or rape trauma, but only her “gender identity”. We were not to take away her devices under any circumstances, not to punish her for anything and we were to remove her childhood photos from our walls, as that person was said to be dead now.

A woman was then sent to our home, from where we don’t know, and she interrogated my husband and I for seven hours, confirming for our daughter that we were terrible, abusive parents- her only evidence of this being that we hadn’t taken the pictures down or recently repainted her bedroom walls.

Three months later we had our initial appointment at the gender clinic with the clinic nurse. Within 25 minutes she slipped my daughter a form, which I later learned was a consent form for a variety of hormones, explained the gender clinic process, quickly skimmed over the medical risks and suggested that we start her on Puberty Blockers. I was stunned. I truly expected the gender clinic to evaluate her in some way before offering her powerful drugs.

When I didn’t accept the puberty blockers on my daughter’s behalf the nurse said, “well maybe just some testosterone then!” When I declined, she advised my daughter to go to the adult clinic when she turns 18. Later, the clinic’s head psychiatrist and psychologist both insisted that the rape trauma had nothing to do with her supposed gender dysphoria.

My daughter was receiving no help for her trauma.

A few months later, still angry that I hadn’t said yes to the hormones, my daughter ran away while the rest of us were out one evening. She left with very little, even leaving behind her anti-depressants, which greatly concerned us. We called the police who did manage to locate her but refused to tell us where she was. They made a point to tell us that she had moved in with someone from “the trans community”. We learned that she later moved into a halfway house for homeless youth.

After the shock of our daughter leaving wore off a bit, we followed up with the police regarding her rape. They had destroyed the notebook, the only evidence they had, and the officers, the police corruption department, the police ombudsman and the Freedoms of Information all refused to answer any of our questions.

There was nothing else we could do.

Time passed and we met with our daughter just after her 18th birthday. She started testosterone injections just a few weeks after that. The first time she called me after starting these drugs, I almost didn’t believe it was her- her voice had changed so much.

Over the next couple of years, she only contacted us when she needed something but I always came running when she called. I used her new name but that wasn’t enough. She demanded that I state that I’d only given birth to two sons, no daughter at all. Of course, I hadn’t and I wasn’t willing to change my history to help her rewrite her own.

When I found a Go Fund Me page for my daughter set up to raise money to remove her breasts, I contacted the surgeon she had listed on the page. I explained that she was struggling with untreated rape trauma and was in a great deal of emotional distress. This surgeon feigned compassion and then printed my emails and gave them all to my daughter. She had the surgery in January 2021, right in the middle of the Covid outbreak when all non-essential surgeries had been cancelled. Though she got what she wanted, she was furious with me for interfering and she cut ties completely.

I started spending the bulk of my time reading and researching. I found a group called Parents of ROGD Kids, which later asked me to start a parent support group in Australia, which I did. Our numbers grew incredibly quickly. I personally speak to every single new member so they might not feel as desperate, isolated and crazy as I did seven years ago.

I have personally heard thousands of parents’ stories and the similarities are astonishing. The children seem to be using the same words and phrases like a script, all following the same steps toward and through medicalization. These are parents of all races, with different beliefs and backgrounds all over Australia, the UK, the US, Canada, Israel, Italy, Hong Kong, Sweden, Singapore and New Zealand. How are children from all these different countries all saying and doing the same thing? Why are parents all around the world being told the same thing: ``better a live son than a dead daughter” or vice versa? This statement is not only emotional blackmail, but it’s also not true. We didn’t get another live son. We got a mutilated, confused, unhappy, pseudo-pretend ‘son’ who’s still our much-loved daughter.

I’ve also spoken to many detansitioners whose stories of transition and regret also follow a marked pattern, many left with anger toward the parents and individuals who affirmed their delusions. These young people are not being given the care they desperately need, now that they are no longer “transgender”.

The government has become too involved in the day-to-day running of families. There is huge state over-reach. These parents are NOT abusive, they’re concerned for their children and rightly so as the side effects of puberty blockers are significant and permanent, the same goes for this use of testosterone and oestrogen.

These outrageous social and political changes have caused me to lose my daughter, her to lose her health and her breasts, and all of us to lose our God-given right to parent our own children, our trust in our institutions, and our faith in our government.


Updated: Oct 1, 2023

It’s important to understand that the Gender industry is an international project with key partners driving the industry. In this 4-part post, we are looking at those key partners, who I call the Queer Triad. Over this mini-series we ask several questions:

· Who are the key partners in the Gender Industry?

· What key resources do these partners supply?

· What key activities do partners perform?

In any business, we develop partnerships to reduce risk and uncertainty, to acquire particular resources and activities and for organisation and economy.

The original key partners to bring in gender recognition are Dentons, Thomson Reuters, ILGA and IGYLO & affiliates.

This partnership was formed to address the risks to the gender industry. A daunting challenge was to get the wider public fully onboard with experimental drugs, cross-sex hormones and surgery on young people under 18. Without expert reframing and marketing, product lines causing irreparable harm and permanent changes if the youth desists could be subject to lawsuits or simply not sell. Parents most likely would resist the social, medical and surgical transitioning of their children. Desisters and detransitioners (failed consumers of the product lines) can put the industry in a bad light.

Negative press reports could have an impact on the bottom line. Outspoken people may be listened to. And the cost of transitioning particularly with the reparatory surgeries that follow the experimental genitalia surgeries could price consumers out of the market.

This is all bad for business.

These risks are substantial legal, framing and branding challenges that require specialist services.

Assisting the promotion of gender identity ideology in law and marketing. The world’s largest law firm, Dentons, partnered first with media conglomerate Thomson-Reuters to create an LGBT advocacy handbook. The handbook focuses on strategies to mitigate these business risks. It also sets out 8-9 common goals to pursue which creates alignment for advocacy across the world. It was created primarily for IGYLO and their affiliates, and youth activists all over the world.


Dentons is the world’s largest law firm. Here in Australia, Dentons is at every level of government; federal, state and at the attorney general. They have clients in the largest corporations in the banking, finance, property, construction, health sectors and diversity sectors. They provide transgender diverse people free legal advice in Sydney’s inner west city, and they’ve also in Sydney’s red light area; Kings Cross.

Their major role is removing legal barriers for transitioning youth, which is important for clients like Stryker, the global pharmaceutical company and also the founder behind the ARCUS foundation.

Dentons, partnered with media conglomerate Thomson-Reuters to create a Trans Gender Diverse (TGD advocacy handbook, colloquially called the Denton’s Handbook, entitled; “Only Adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth”.

It focuses on strategies to mitigate these business risks. It also sets out 8-9 common goals to pursue which creates alignment for advocacy across the world.


1. With regards to adults, “No requirement for sterilisation, surgical, medical treatment or diagnosis” (for legal gender recognition.) (pg. 17)

  • Self-ID declaration, no medical diagnosis, no surgery, and no legal oversight required.

2. With regards to adults, “Relationships should only be altered if favourable” (pg. 17)

  • No grounds for spousal divorce, or requirement for spousal approval for transitioning.

3. “Quick and affordable access to legal gender recognition based on the model of self-determination(pg 16)

  • A swift and cheap process for gender recognition which is entirely self-determined and subjective.

4. “Extending the process (self-id gender recognition) to minors” (pg. 16)

  • Remove parental consent to medical & social transitioning to the appearance of the opposite sex

  • Remove parental consent to the legal recognition of minors, e.g., in schools a child affirmed to be a ‘mature minor’ in order to transition without parental consent or knowledge.

5. “Legal Gender recognition at birth” (pg. 17)

  • The First step, adults can change the sex on their birth certificate. The second step is no recording of the child’s gender (sex) on their birth certificate, delay for a month or up to 18 years.

6. “Recognition of a third gender” (pg. 17)

  • The individual legally identifies as neither male nor female if they so wish e.g. non binary.

7.Gender confirmation treatments should be available and reimbursable(pg. 18)

  • Gender confirmation treatment should be accessible, state-supported or supplemented and no requirement for gender dysphoria to access these treatments.

8.Established sanctions for breaching the law on gender recognition

  • Sanctions on those who do not recognise an individual’s gender identity.

The handbook gives examples of countries following ‘good’ practices, lists the primary legislation and then has a checklist of the state of compliance with those legal goals. These goals are tracked in Wikipedia. Type for yourself ‘transgender rights in’ and insert the country in question. If you have time, review Canada, Norway, Malta, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Portugal, United Kingdom that they answer the following questions, see pages 25-38 highlighted. See below the tracking of these goals for Australia and New Zealand.

So, understand that the gender identity industry is an internationally coordinated project, and its legal influence initiated by Dentons is throughout all government levels and major corporate sectors. Other legal firms that are members of ILGA support the same. Next: Thomson Reuters and the marketing strategies.

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