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What is detransition? It’s the act of stopping or reversing a gender transition.

Who are Detransitioners? Detransitioners are people who are the fallout from the current push of radical gender ideology and Queer theory in our society. They are the people who bought into the encouragement and lies that they could change their sex through medicalisation and surgery. They are the people trying to cope with society’s failures to protect vulnerable people.

No one knows how many detransitioners there are around the world, because so far, no one has bothered to count them. Gender clinics are not interested in their past patients and don’t bother with follow up, or even with retaining their medical records. How do we know this? Because detransitioners are starting to speak out and talk about their experiences.

Detransitioners around the world are starting to head to social media to try and warn society that the magic wand of gender affirming care, did not in fact fix all their problems. After the initial glow of being love bombed, they’ve found that they’re still lonely, still often isolated, they still have self confidence issues, their trauma is still there, and most importantly, they didn’t change into the opposite sex.

Just have a look on the Reddit Detransitioner board and you will find its numbers has grown in recent years to a staggering almost 45,000 members. Twitter has more detransitioners coming out regularly bravely sharing their stories of how they were sold out by their gender clinics, surgeons, doctors and in some cases, even their parents.

Although there is a void of any solid data to date on detransitioners, there have been attempts to track their numbers. One study was conducted by Lisa Littman, a dedicated researcher who also conducted the study on the Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria phenomenon. Her research showed that 60% of detransitioners chose to detransition because they became more comfortable with their natal sex. 49% expressed that they came to understand that their gender dysphoria was caused by specific issues such as trauma, abuse or mental heath issues. (1)

There is also another study currently underway by a group of concerned people called Detrans Count. Their research is yet to be published, but so far have a greater number of respondents than the previous study. (2)

The Reddit Detransitioner’s board members have also helpfully conducted surveys on their members and have been very helpful in making their data freely available. In this study they found that 86% of people who detransitioned did so because they realised that their gender dysphoria was due to other issues, followed by 70% expressing they were concerned about the health impacts of transitioning. (3)

Although we don’t know the exact number of detransitioners, what we do know is that the numbers are increasing. Their collective voices tell us they’ve been let down, that their former friends in the transgender community have turned their backs on them and they feel abandoned all over again. They discuss the physical pain and the permanent damage they’ve done to their bodies.

Some people simply tell these detransitioners that what they’re experience is a result of their own stupidity but let’s look at the bigger picture.

In Australia we have the affirmation only model of care. What does this mean exactly? To simplify it, it means that from the minute a child declares that they are the opposite sex, then they are. There is no minimum requirement for years, months or even weeks of counselling other than to help them integrate into their new persona in society. There is no investigation into any pre existing mental health conditions, past trauma, or any other co morbidities that could cause a person to become uncomfortable in their own skin. There’s not even any acknowledgement that being a teenager with a changing body is often difficult, despite studies showing that if a child is left to go through puberty without gender affirming care, they usually grow out of their discomfort and no longer feel the need to transition.

Our porn fuelled world is also putting extra pressure on teens to perform a certain way and to make very unrealistic expectations of what people of their sex should behave like to be placed on them.

So, what do detransitioners say about their experiences? One of the main things for those female detransitioners, is the loss of their female voice. One of the first things to change when a female takes synthetic testosterone is their voice and unfortunately, the change is permanent.

Another thing discussed by women is the male pattern baldness that occurs with taking testosterone. Unfortunately, that too seems to be largely permanent, and causes a great deal of distress to this beauty orientate culture.

Facial hair and excess body hair is another common complaint. Although there are treatments for excess hair, it is often expensive and takes time.

More intimate issues also occur like the growth of the clitoris. As it enlarges the hood of the clitoris doesn’t grow, so the bundle of nerves at the top of the clitoris is exposed leaving it very sensitised making sitting, walking and clothes quite uncomfortable.

With the removal of breast tissue, unlike the mastectomies for cancer, the surgeons make the scars as large as possible. Transgender people wear these scars with pride, it highlights the fact that they once had breasts and increases their victim mentality. This scaring causes issues if breast implants are attempted by detransitioners.

Infertility is another huge issue for males and females. Some detransitioners have talked about how they only took cross sex hormones for a relatively short period of time before finding it had made them infertile. Males who take estrogen find they have penile dysfunction and grow breast tissue which needs surgery to remove.

Unfortunately too, once a person has started on cross sex hormones, their bodies stop producing their correct hormone so when they detransition, they need to take the right sex hormones for the rest of their lives.

As the list of complications and issues grows, isn’t it time that we, as a society look at why we are allowing children and youth to transition and make life changing decisions about their bodies before they have a chance to grow and mature?

Sadly too, in states in Australia where there are already conversion therapy laws, detransitioners have an exceedingly difficult time even finding a doctor who will treat them for their basic needs of coming off the cross-sex hormones safely as doctors are frightened of facing deregistration, and criminal charges with lengthy prison sentences and huge financial costs. These states include Victoria, ACT, Queensland, Tasmania and soon Western Australia.

We need to stop allowing radical gender ideology to be taught in schools. We know that children as young as 4 are taught that you can change your sex. Gender is the new cool thing in schools like mods, goths or surfs were in the 80’s. Changing gender is the way to increase popularity amongst their peers. We know some younger children use opposite sex pronouns and names in schools, only to return to their natal sex at home or on weekends. Boy during the day, girl at night and weekends and vis versa.

We need to drop the word gender all together and put sex back into place so we can look at this from a biological, not ideological viewpoint.

We need to stop the affirmation only model of care and to do this we need an urgent Parliamentary inquiry so no more children are harmed by this ideology. The affirmation model of care goes directly against what detransitioners are telling us about their experiences with transitioning. They’re telling us that if they had the proper care and assessment they needed, most would not have transitioned.

We need to listen to the voices of detransitioners and support them as they continue their journeys after they harm they’ve experienced. By Tess, co-founder of Active Watchful Waiting Inc, runs an Australia wide parent support group for ROGD parents. References



There are many things you can do. Here is one thing. Are you aware that there is a complaint process? A friend sent through some information I am sharing with you:

Across Australia in the six states and two territories, there are statutory bodies known as Health Care Complaints Commissions or alike. Each body operates under its own statute. In terms of explaining in general terms what the bodies undertake, detailed below is an extract from the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Act 1993. Section 3 of the Act states:

HEALTH CARE COMPLAINTS ACT 1993 - SECTION 3 Object and principle of administration of Act

  1. The primary object of this Act is to establish the Health Care Complaints Commission as an independent body for the purposes of—

    1. receiving and assessing complaints under this Act relating to health services and health service providers in New South Wales, and

    2. investigating and assessing whether any such complaint is serious and if so, whether it should be prosecuted, and

    3. prosecuting serious complaints, and

    4. resolving or overseeing the resolution of complaints.

  2. In the exercise of functions under this Act the protection of the health and safety of the public must be the paramount consideration.

Each of the other seven jurisdictions have Acts with a similar provision.

Below is two lists: 1) A list of details of the respective state and territory bodies including their name, the Commissioner (or other title), mailing address, telephone/email contact information and the links to make a complaint. Click this link "Health Care Complaints Bodies" 2) Below is a table linking to the respective state and territory Acts. It may be the case that scope exists under the respective statutes to pursue formal complaints regarding the way in which some children and young people have been and/or are being treated with respect to gender dysphoria issues,

Some of you may already have had experience dealing either directly or indirectly with one or more of these complaints bodies. Therefore, as you are aware, careful consideration including in some cases formal legal advice should be sought before commencing proceedings.

The purpose of this post is to draw to your attention, if you are not already aware, the details of these complaints bodies. I am not qualified to provide legal advice about whether a matter should be considered to be referred to these complaints bodies. That will be a matter for individuals to consider, obtain advice and make a final decision. Nevertheless, it is worth being aware of these complaints bodies and what may be the potential for individuals to pursue matters before them regarding concerns in the way in which some children and young people have been and/or are being treated with respect to gender dysphoria issues.

Our members of Active Watchful Waiting[i] are a mixed group; parents, teachers, health professionals, detransitioners, transexual and members of the LGB community. And I would say, despite our differences and diversity what unites us is our deep concern at the pipelining of young people onto the conveyor belt of products and services that underpins the profits of the gender affirmation industry[ii]. The major profiteers of this industry being the medical and pharmaceutical organisations.[iii] The major brand of this industry is ‘gender identity,’ to be your ‘authentic self’ via a product line drugs and surgeries. It’s core target market is the youth, LGB, Autistic, vulnerable youth with mental health comorbidities[iv] and young girls susceptible to social influence and contagion. With regards to this bill on the table it’s playing it’s part in the ‘gender affirmation’ process in two ways. One being part of the social transition process and two through legitimising the conversion therapy process of LGB children.

So, one, ‘social transition’ starts with documentation. In schools it involves the referencing of and recording of student’s gender identity, new name and pronouns, clothing and bathroom use, etc. [v]

--Changing the sex on the birth certificate is taking the child’s social transitioning to another level, altogether.

This is not a neutral act[vi], most youth if pushed to socially transition will move onto the second stage which is medical transitioning[vii]. This involves taking of chemical castration and endometriosis drugs used to interfere or ‘block’ puberty[viii], cross-sex hormones and the last stage is extreme body modification (mastectomies and physical castration).

Instead of a future healthy life with body undamaged, these children who medically transition are set on course for lifetime pharma-co-logical dependence and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, thrombosis, sterility, and probable sexual dysfunction.

This bill takes an active part in this gender affirmation process because it does not just note the ‘gender identity,’ what the child feels about themselves at that time, it legally falsifies the child’s sex, it is dubious that this bill is affirming an existing ‘transgender identity’ it is for most youth creating[ix] a transgender identity. Because without this type of interference children that have an incongruence or disconnect with their body, up to 80- 98% of them will grow out of it once through puberty.

Furthermore, more than two thirds of those youth who would normally grow out of this will grow up to be gay or bisexual, as there is a high correlation[x] with gender non-conformance, homosexuality and bisexuality. What children are told if they are gender nonconforming is they are ‘born in the wrong body’ because they have a “gender identity” that does not match the gender norms or behaviour expected of their sex. In line with this idea, a female child more likely to grow up lesbian is expected to present as a (trans) boy, and a gender non-conforming male child is expected to identify as a (trans) girl.

Once a child is identified as trans, state education policies, Victoria State schools for example make a ‘gender affirmation plan’ so these impressionable LGB young people effectively are groomed to conform to a heterosexual norm. This is conversion therapy[xi]. LGB organisations like LGB Defence, Coalition of Activist Lesbians, LGB Alliance Australia and LGB Tasmania call it ‘transing the gay away.’

The other distinct cohort is girls. Before 2012, gender dysphoria in the past was almost exclusively boys (roughly .01%). But girls[xii] are now the majority of children who are transitioning, and this is more to do with gender ideation, a fixation on a gender identity, through social influence[xiii] and contagion. There are more than 95[xiv] gender identities thus far.

In research they are commonly referred to though as having ROGD[xv], rapid onset gender dysphoria. My co-founder of AWW also runs Australian Parents of ROGD kids,

she deals with 4-5 calls a week from distraught and desperate parents of these girls.

She told me recently of a typical call, a sobbing father called through desperate to stop his 15 year old daughter from cutting off her breasts. In the state he’s in if he denies her, this is child abuse, and he could lose her to the family court system, so she could be taken from her home as have many others.

Under the family court system there are criminal sanctions if he speaks of this. So, he – and he is one of over 1000 of these parents she has dealt with in the last 7 years, are gagged.

They suffer in silence and the system keeps most Australians in the dark on this reality. This movement is not a grass roots movement; self-Id laws are one of several laws the trans gender lobbies’ handbook[xvi] (Only Adults? Good practices for legal recognition for youth) instructs trans lobbies to be put into place to enable children to be transitioned. Sex should in no way be removed, conflated or be replaced with ‘gender identity’ in law. We should affirm all people’s birth sex as their legal sex, while ensuring all people protection from discrimination or interference based on their gender non-conforming appearance or behaviour, that’s’ all. Catherine Anderson-Karena Active Watchful Waiting Inc.

[i] [ii] The Business model of youth transitioning [iii] [iv] [v] [vi] Social transition – changing names, pronouns, clothing and bathroom use – correlates with the persistence of transgender identity. Paediatric transition doctors in the Netherlands who first pioneered the use of puberty blockers in dysphoric children observe that social transition correlates with an increase in young people’s persistence when it comes to gender identity [1]. This led them to caution against social transition before puberty. Another paper [2] notes that gender dysphoria is more persistent into adolescence where social transition has occurred, and as such asserts that social transition is a “psychosocial intervention [which] might be characterized as iatrogenic” – a medical problem caused by the treatment itself. There is evidence [3] that social transition by the child was found to be strongly correlated with persistence for natal boys, more so than for girls. REFERENCES [1] de Vries, A. L., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2012). Clinical management of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents: The Dutch approach. Journal of Homosexuality 59 (3): 301–320. [Link] [2] Zucker, K. J. (2019). Debate: Different strokes for different folks. Child and Adolescent Mental Health 25(1): 36-37. [Link] [3] Steensma, T.D., McGuire, J.K., Kreukels, B.P., Beekman, A.J. & Cohen-Kettenis, P.T. (2013). Factors associated with desistence and persistence of childhood gender dysphoria: a quantitative follow-up study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 52 (6): 582-90. [Link] One study showed that, without social transition, nearly two-thirds of pre-teen gender-dysphoric males grow up to be gay or bisexual. A University of Toronto study [1] found that 63.6% of boys with early onset gender dysphoria, who received ‘watchful waiting’ treatment and no pre-pubertal social transition, grew up to be gay or bisexual. Only 12% of the study participants continued to identify as transfeminine. REFERENCES [1] Singh, D., Bradley, S.J. & Zucker, K.J. (2021). A Follow-Up Study of Boys With Gender Identity Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology 12. [Link] [vii] [viii] [ix] [x] [xi] [xii] [xiii] [xiv] [xv] [xvi]Only Adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth The Denton’s handbook. Dentons, partnered with media conglomerate Thomson-Reuters to create a Trans Gender Diverse (TGD advocacy handbook, colloquially called the Denton’s Handbook, entitled; “Only Adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth.” ( It focuses on strategies to mitigate the gender industry’s business risks. It also sets out 8-9 common goals for trans lobbies to pursue which creates alignment for advocacy across the world. i.e., in relation to minors Extending the process (self-id gender recognition) to minors” (pg. 16) · Remove parental consent to medical & social transitioning to the appearance of the opposite sex · Remove parental consent to the legal recognition of minors, e.g., in schools a child affirmed to be a ‘mature minor’ in order to transition without parental consent or knowledge.

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